

Alastair Reid
With a background in Drama, Alastair's Teaching career spans some 16 years, he has worked in many different educational settings , including Autistic Units , SLD Schools
and MLD Schools , before settling into a long term stint at a PRU.

Alastair worked for eight years as senior teacher in a Pupil Referral Unit for a London Borough. He dealt with pupils excluded from mainstream school, primarily because of emotional and behavioural difficulties.

He was responsible for developing and running anger management and social skills groups in mainstream schools for pupils at risk of exclusion.

For many years he has run courses for teachers and practitioners as well as children
and adolescents.

Alastair is an advanced tutor for restraint, qualified through ‘Team Teach’.

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Alastair still has a stong interest in drama and special needs and was chair of Dazu -
an Enfield charity organisation working with disabled young people and their siblings.

He is also been director of Community Focus drama group for more than ten years, a fully inclusive drama group aimed at disabled adults.

Currently as a principal trainer for Team Teach he runs tutor courses to train new tutors.

He has been responsible for developing Team Teach in Italy and has run courses for the last 12 years in a variety of services covering education and health and social care , primarily within autistic services .



"Excellent facilitator - a great course. Best I have ever attended - what more can I say ?" - (Teacher EBD School)

"Health and Safety was paramount ,very appropriate to needs of children and staff" - Teacher (Special School)


"Content was clear and concise and the trainer dynamic"- Teacher Assistant (Special School)

"Well considered and planned excellent presentation and delivery" - Head Teacher(Mainstream School)

"Being able to look realistically and how to be able to apply it in practice - theory - practice - "(Residential Care Home)

"Physical skills taught with caring attitude -child first" - (Further Education College)

"The reasons for teaching it - for the benefit of children and to help us understand them better + Passion of the trainer - contagious !" - (Teacher Agency)

"Wide experience of trainer , content relevence
Clear teaching honest opinion from inside the buisness"
- Sports Centre Manager